
Thursday, January 26, 2012

1 Month Update+ Pictures/Measurements

Well guys I've reached the big 30 day mark.
I was kind of hoping to be at my goal weight of 120 lbs by this time
but I guess losing a pound a day would be a little excessive and since I was 152 lbs that would be about how much I would have had to lose.

This will probably be my last one week update unless I just have an extremely awesome week that I feel worthy of being blogged about :)
I don't want this blog to just be about my diet so I'll get back to some mommy topics after this. 
My tracker on says if I continue the way I have been for the last month and continue to workout like I am (45-55 mins 5-6 day a week)
that I'll be 115 in 5 weeks. That would be... AMAZING.

No change in side effects, diet, or exercise so not much to report there. 
I am taking a week break from the Phentermine so hopefully I'll get huge results when I start it back next week.
Didn't take it yesterday and still couldn't eat. 
Was tired but able to work out for my normal amount of time.

Last week's measurements:
Hips: 39 in.                                          
Bust: 35 in.
Waist: 29.3
Thighs: 23.2 in.

Current measurements:
Hips: 38 in.                                          
Bust: 35 in.
Waist: 28 in.
Thighs: 22.5 in.

Beginning Weight: 152    Current Weight: 131.2

OH YEAH... see that? Those would be abs. Your eyes don't deceive you!
Mama of 3- all c sections- abs after 1 month. HELL YES!

So when I started this my measurements were as followed: (this is actually at one week)
Hips: 41 in.             =3 in. lost                             
Bust: 36.5 in.          =1.5 in. lost
Waist: 31.5 in.         =3.5 in. lost
Thighs: 25.2 in.        =3.6 in. lost

and as far as weight goes that would be 20.7 lbs lost i do believe :) not too shabby for one month!

Friday, January 20, 2012

A very off topic mommy/life/facebook/family/friends rant

I'm not much of a complainer. i don't use the internet to do my complaining. yes, those who live with me might hear some pretty often, but hey, that's because we live together. 

social media is an outlet. i know this. i get it, i use it, i love it. but what i don't love is going to look at the latest feed and seeing complaint after complaint, gossip, trash talking spouses, trash talking people who you feel the need to note, in the very status that you're talking trash in, that you have blocked, nor do i care to see that every other day you and your boyfriend/husband/child's father have broken up, hate each other, are now obsessed with each other again, whoops decided to call it quits again, blahblahblah.

yes i know there's a lot of people who get tired of looking at pictures of my kids. yeah, i get that not everyone wants to see my weight loss updates, or my coupon/free stuff tips, etc.... BUT at least these are POSITIVE things. 

if your man treats you like crap, chances are every one who knows him and you as well already gets that. so.... maybe its not so shocking when you post for the 10,000th time that you split up. we think you're stupid we feel for you when you go back to him and he does the same thing... but c'mon! you're doing it to yourself! when you keep going back to him over and over the sympathy level from others significantly decreases each time. and if you're going to be so silly and do that, then please don't go on and on every time about how you're NEVER going to do that again and you're so independent and don't need a man. when people tell you they wish you the best and they know you can do it without him and you'll be better off in the long run.... they mean it. no one is just saying that so they can reread what they said and feel good about it. They really want it to sink in! if you notice we stop saying this stuff and just replace those encouraging words with a ":(" or something... thats because WE GIVE UP.

no one can judge you for putting up with it if you keep your mouth shut and don't tell the world just what it is that you ARE putting up with.

just as i feel no need at all to judge anyone else's relationship, i don't judge parenting skills either. now if you abuse your child, neglect them, whatever, that's a different story. but hey, breastfeed/bottle feed, car seat/booster seat, disposable diapers/cloth, whatever, go for it, you bring kids into the world and raise them as your own, its not my responsibility to tell you how to do it. but please don't complain about your child's behavior if you're unwilling to meet halfway on a discipline technique!

ask me anything about how i keep my life chaos free and i will tell you: schedules! routine! don't message me begging for advice and help getting your kids under control and getting them to sleep/eat/stop throwing tantrums/use the potty/whatever else and then tell me- i try a schedule but baby refuses to stick to it. 

EXCUSE ME....who is the PARENT here?

don't be a pushover and give your child the adult role in the relationship and it will work. 

don't want your child sleeping in your bed? TAKE THEM OUT OF IT! the really nifty part about kids being LITTLE is that you can physically remove them from a situation and place them in a completely different one! 

won't stop crying when you lay them in their bed? 
ask yourself these questions:
need a diaper change?
scared of the dark?

once you rule out all of these things (and BTW, if they're scared of the dark... leave the light on. who cares) shut the door and walk out. make their room a safe environment that encourages bed time. if they won't stop playing with their toys, put 'em in a big box or two or three whatever every night at bed time. REMOVE THEM FROM THE ROOM. its the child's room so it should be CHILD proof/safe anyway, so if you take the toys out and you know they're safe, the door can be shut and they will be fine! 

will they cry?
will they kick the door?
will they hit their head on the wall over and over?
go in and check on them periodically and if they're okay, but their butt in the bed again. Don't say a word. just walk in, pick them up, put them in the bed, turn the light off, walk out. easy as that. if they fall asleep they might not make it to the bed, they might be asleep in the floor. so what?

boohoohoo, baby cried all night because they were scared.
HECK NO .doubtful. baby cried because baby wanted mommy to come get them and let them sleep in her bed. end of story.

put them in bed at the same time every night. lay them down at say, 9 o'clock. if its 3 am and they're still up, oh well. as long as you know they're okay, go to bed. they'll fall asleep eventually. 

TAKE YOUR BUTT IN THERE AT 9 AM and WAKE THEM UP! Drag them out of the bed if you have to. spray water on their face to keep them awake when they do get up.

you are the ADULT!
chances are if they went to bed at 5 am and mommy made them get up for the day at 9 am, yeah its gonna be a CRAZY annoying day, but I bet they'll take a nap at the time you want them to every day and they'll be ready for bed at 9. it might take a few weeks, but it'll happen. before you know it you'll know its 9 pm by the way they're acting because their body will tell THEM they're TIRED and they'll try to fight it. eventually they'll only cry a little and then before you know it, NONE. and i guarantee you they'll get up every day at the same time no matter what. 

do they switch back and forth between foods every other day?
one day they love something, the next they hate it?
don't make them one thing and have them tell you NO THEY DON'T WANT IT and then turn around and spend another 20 mins on something else just to have them turn that down as well.

of course this isn't ALWAYS the case, but most of the time the troubles people have with their children come from their weakness and the lack of discipline they give the children. children thrive off of routine and discipline believe it or not.

i will never tell someone to "spank" their children.
BUT i will tell you that if a child does something repeatedly and NEVER faces the consequences for what they did, telling them its "bad" isn't going to change anything. they don't care. as a matter of fact that sweet little angel of yours probably LOVES to intentionally do bad things just to see you get irritated about it and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! 

its like that game that us mean girls play where we don't like someone so we push and push and push until they BREAK just for our own entertainment. and because we know we can!

time out works wonders.
oh your child won't sit in time out?
neither would mine, i always said.
here's the trick.

put a chair in the corner and make this the time out spot. no one can touch it or even come near it unless they're told to sit there. its not a fun place to be.

know that little rule that you put them in time out for a minute for every year?
1 year=1 minute
2 years=2 minutes and so on?
that doesn't mean sit them down and listen to them cry and kick and scream for 2 minutes.
it means sit them in the chair and tell them to look at the wall and not to talk or cry and after 2 minutes they can get up. if they choose to sit there silently for 2 minutes, good for them, they can get up. but if they choose to kick the wall and scream and cry, throw themselves out of the chair, hit their face, play with their feet, laugh at you, talk to you, whatever, JUST IGNORE IT AND START THE TIME OVER AGAIN. if you want to warn them, go ahead, but i advice you just flat out ignore it. 
remind them from time to time that every noise they make, every movement, etc, the time starts over. i just say "2 more minutes" and go on about my business.

when they get up, get down to eye level with them and tell them why they were in time out and make them apologize. if they won't apologize, make them sit there again. the point is to learn whats right and whats wrong.

know how dogs sense fear? well, kids sense weakness. and when they sense it, they take advantage of you. 

okay okay, moving on from the child thing.....
FOOD. Diets. weight....
touchy touchy subject, huh?

if you're overweight,
PLEASE, never EVER EVER EVER put someone down for dieting.
STATUS UPDATE: starting a liquid diet! fun!
COMMENT: that can't be healthy!
ummm you know people can survive days and days without food........ right?
you know that doctors put people on liquid diets.......right?

also.... don't go on Pinterest and pin 10,000 fitspo pics and say you're going to look like that soon and you're going to work out like this and you're going to lose this much weight and turn your life around and eat healthy..... and then pin 100,000 recipes for chocolate cake, cookies, 2500 calorie casseroles, and then top it off with pictures of you devouring it getting posted straight to facebook after you make it.

its like a meth addict updating their status and saying okay guys, i'm going to get clean, i'm so proud, no more drugs everyone! Lets do this! and then being tagged in someones pictures holding a pipe.

don't want to be fat?
want to get in shape?
do what i do... pin those recipes, make them for someone you love, watch the joy THEY get from eating it, and pin a few for yourself that are healthy, and make those. 
then go spend half the time that you spent cooking working out.
might not seem like much, but its a start!

OH, and girls who want to post subtle hints about how tired they are of seeing everyone's kids every time they get on FB, and they're so glad they aren't like "everyone else and getting pregnant"... 

most of US don't care to get on FB and see pictures of you in ANOTHER slutty dress, at ANOTHER party or club, drunk again and looking like a hot mess, holding your cigarettes, and hanging all over ANOTHER guy, who isn't your boyfriend. 

and for those moms who live at home with their parents and don't work, or work and let someone else watch their kids all the time, and then go out once the kid is in bed or go out EVERY weekend..... please just don't EVER brag about your skills as a parent. sitting on the couch nursing a hangover while your kid watches TV and eats a meal that your mom made them is not "mommy time". mommy time would be changing diapers, cleaning little butts when they get off the potty, picking up their messes, making their breakfast, lunch, dinner, giving them baths, tucking them in, whatever. 

COMPLETELY UNRELATED TO SOCIAL MEDIA BUT ANNOYING ALL THE SAME... people, stop taking GOOD people for granted. i get the joy of experiencing this daily for the most part. if you have someone who loves you, who takes care of you, who thinks of you all the time, who would do anything for you, don't ruin that just because you're a jerk. there are a lot of bad people in the world and those bad people make it harder for us good people because nowadays everyone just thinks everyone is out to screw them over.

DON'T MISTAKE KINDNESS FOR WEAKNESS. just because i might not come right out and say it, if my feelings are hurt i'm not just going to swallow my pride and ignore it, i'm going to remember it. screw my over once or twice and then prove to me that you are sincere when you say you made a mistake and you're sorry, then we're okay. screw me over again and it doesn't matter how sorry you are, i'm done. i will not invest my time into someone or something that doesn't deserve it. 
just because someone is family doesn't mean they're exempt from this either. just because we share blood, you don't have the right to walk all over me, use me as you please, take advantage of me, and expect me to forgive. 
it'll be a cold day in hell before i take that.

there is only one time in life when i am just down right mean and that is when i'm hurt. if i'm going on and on throwing the cruelest words at you that you've ever heard, if you think i hate you and don't understand why i'm so cold towards you its because you did something that has SHATTERED my heart.
i let people see me cry for too long, i let them see what they did to me when they hurt me and i saw the satisfaction they got from that and i realized i had to stop it from happening again. hurt me today and i might push it down so far in me that you don't even realize you add had an impact on me at all, but just wait it out and you'll see how much anger manifests from pain. and it feels a lot better to let out than some lousy ol' tears do.

if you're a skanky girl who has a good guy who works hard for you and you take him for granted and treat him like crap.... SCREW don't deserve him, let him go. i have my own good man who i love with all my heart. he might make me mad, i might wanna kill him sometimes, but he works hard for me and our family and he takes care of me in ways no one else ever has. and because of that i'll take care of him like i feel like a woman should. i'll cook, i'll clean, i'll handle the kids, i'll wash his clothes, if he needs me to i'll even lay them out for him, because i know if nothing else, he's rare. good men are hard to find these days and if you take them for granted when you have them, you never deserved them and there's a wonderful girl somewhere being treated like crap and wishing she could find a man like the one you don't want.

finally for all those people who put down stay at home moms: find a new hobby. okay, you go to work for 8 hours, 12 hours a day? cool. you get paid right? you get a lunch break... right? you can stop at any point and run to the restroom.... right? you get at least a day or two off every week... right?

i wake up every day right after the sun comes up.  this is, of course, after i go to bed at midnight, get woken up at 1 am to change the baby's diaper and give him a bottle, go back to sleep, wake up again at 4 am and do the same thing, then catch a few more hours of sleep before i'm woken up by a 2 year old and a 3 year old SCREAMING at me to wake up. oh wait, not just wake up. 

make me a cup!
i'm hungry!
i peed in the bed!
mommy, i'm sick!
mommy...mommy.. mommy.

yeah. imagine your boss standing beside your bed at 7 am telling you to get up and start working.

once i get the clean clothes on, the breakfast made, the juice poured, the table cleaned back off, and have them entertained for a minute, the baby is awake and needs to have his diaper changed, a warm bottle made, burped, clothes changed, etc. then when i can get him entertained for a few minutes i get to start making my breakfast. just as i sit it on the plate, someone is hurt, someone is crying, someone is sick, someone made a mess, someone is breaking something. food sits. food gets cold. oh crap, its lunch time. kids need lunch, kids are hungry. make them lunch. eat my cold breakfast. clean the kitchen, clean the living room, clean the bathroom, get spit up on, get thrown up on, peed on, vomited on occasionally, break up a fight, get yelled at, drag a kicking child across the room to time out, all that fun excitement. oh finally, dinner time, time for work to be over right? not quite. make dinner, clean the mess made, wash the dishes, start the laundry, put the laundry up, bath time, baby needs to be put to sleep, oh, kids bedtime, wait lets fight that for 2 hours until they will finally stay in the bed and go to sleep. work out. time to climb into bed. CRAP! forgot to take a shower! take a shower.... baby wakes up. feed baby. lay him down for a few minutes. dry hair. pick baby up, get him ready to go back to bed. spits up in clean hair. put baby back in bed, finally climb back into bed. stomach growls, didn't ever have time to eat. go eat a snack. come back to bed. oh, cool, 2 am. hubby home from work. slams stuff around, makes noise, turns the tv on, wakes Mommy up, get back to sleep, baby wakes up. daddy falls asleep. mommy gets baby back to sleep.... finally falls back asleep too..... MOMMY! MOMMY! Wake up! I want a cup! I'm hungry! MOMMY! WAKE UP! 

YEP....morning time again.

good overtime pay though, right?
OH wait, i forgot.
there's no pay involved. 

NO. i don't sit on my butt all day in my pajamas watching tv.

NO. i don't get to do whatever i want and sleep as late as i want.

nope, getting out and running errands really isn't that fun. not with 3 kids. not when those errands are go get groceries, take the kids to get shots, go buy diapers, blah blah blah.

sorry to ruin everyone's idea of a housewife and mommy.... but its not an easy job!! 

but its one i love.
most of the time :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week 3 Weigh in-Photo Update & Measurements

Well I've reached 3 weeks! I was honestly hoping I could be at my goal weight in 1 month but I guess my body just isn't ready for that, but we're getting there!

I've still got to find a way to force myself to eat a little more.
I'm only averaging about 500 calories a day and burning more than that on most days.
Its how I eat on normal days without the Phentermine but my hopes were to speed my metabolism up and thats definitely not going to happen if I can't make myself eat more!

At least I'm doing good with breakfast though!
And water! :) Three weeks, no soda!
No sweets!
No junk!
Heck yeah1  =]

I've been doing a HUGE variety of workouts now as well,
hoping to keep my body on edge so its just constantly finding new ways to challenge itself!
I've done Carmen Electra's Aerobic Strip Tease
Lots and lots of pilates to keep my butt looking cute :)
The Biggest Loser Cardio
Julianne Hough's Ballroom Dance Cardio
Fitness magazine's 6 week better butt routine (which might I add could quite possibly be the most painful thing EVER)
and Self Magazine's cardio DVDs

 I like to alternate between the really intense crazy sweating heart racing cardio one day
and then some fun and enjoyable dance cardio or pilates the next so that I can let my muscles rest in between.

This week's weigh in is pretty much a repeat of last week as far as what I've lost but I'm not complaining! 

Beginning measurements:
Hips: 39.5 in.                                          
Bust: 36.5 in. (no change)
Waist: 30.2 in.
Thighs: 24 in.

Current measurements:
Hips: 39 in.                                          
Bust: 35 in.
Waist: 29.3
Thighs: 23.2 in.

Beginning Weight: 152    Current Weight: 134.2

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Week 2 weigh in with photo update and measurements

I explained my dread over this weeks weigh in last entry, but for those of you who didn't catch it, despite all of my water drinking, I'm pretty bloated this week thanks to it being that wonderful time of the month.
I was hoping maybe it would be over by weigh in but I had no such luck.
Oh well.
I still won't do another weigh in until next Thursday but hopefully I'll see better results then, though I'm not putting myself down for this week because as long as I'm still losing, I don't care what the number is!
I know last week was only so awesome because of the water weight being flushed out of me anyway.

I've done my 20-45 mins of INTENSE cardio every night since last Thursday, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday, but both of those days I did a little bit of toning instead.
I've also obviously continued to chug the water and I'm getting a big breakfast in finally (eggs every day with no salt, just some cheese and pepper) as well as a bowl of high fiber cereal with low fat milk).
I still haven't had any soda, I actually tried to have one and my mouth just completely rejected it lol.

Here's this morning's updated pictures:

Not any huge noticeable changes, except my thighs are DEFINITELY getting smaller, which I'm very very very happy about!!

Now measurements: 

Beginning measurements                 
Hips: 41 in.                                          
Bust: 36.5 in.
Waist: 31.5 in.
Thighs: 25.2 in.

Current measurements:
Hips: 39.5 in.                                          
Bust: 36.5 in. (no change)
Waist: 30.2 in.
Thighs: 24 in.


Beginning weight: 152   Current weight: 136
Total weight loss after 2 weeks: 16 lbs

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

You know you've had a badass work out when you look like this...

and that's just after 28 minutes!
Yep, drenched in sweat,
even with nothing on put shorts and a sports bra!
And the AC was set to 70 degrees!
That's some good cardio there my friends!
I did the Dance with Julianne Hough Cardio Ballroom DVD.
I actually thought tonight would be relatively easy but boy was I wrong!
I decided I couldn't walk away from cardio so easily,
after all its such a HUGE fat burner!
So I decided I would just experiment with different varieties until I found what I liked and while my favorite is dance cardio, hands down, I've figured out that I have to keep the AC on, with a fan going as well and take frequent sips of ice cold water,
and I also have to sit and cool off for a few minutes after, and then take an ice cold shower!
Phentermine seriously has me burning up 24/7!
So as long as I stay cooled off everything is good!

I'm pretty excited for my weigh in this week.
I don't feel like I've lost a big amount since last week but I feel like I'm still making progress of course.
All of the water weight is gone so its not such a massive difference now,
plus its that lovely time of the month so I'm a little on the bloated side anyway.
But I've still been having to force myself to eat and only being able to eat tiny little snacks here and there, and they've been ALL protein and fiber, with minimal carbs and no sugar and salt.
Plus still NO soda and I've even cut out coffee, which is HUGE. 
That means I'm literally going on NO caffeine! 
Big deal for real! Especially for this mama!!
But overall I feel great, honestly!
I'm still keeping the house up super easy, maintaining an hour of working out every day,
drinking at least a gallon of water a day,
and I'm sleeping a tad bit better as well.
So lets hope for awesome results this week
or at least next week when my miserable little friend gets the heck out until next month =]

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Week 1 Weigh In

Yesterday was my 1 week weigh in but I actually felt pretty crappy all day and didn't get around to posting. So as of today this might not be 100% accurate but I've put my scale back up until next week's weigh in so I'll be super surprised by the results and won't obsess over them so much, so I'm not going to check to see what today's weight is!

Tuesday night's cardio really had me feeling a little crazy all day yesterday, maybe I overdid it or something because my head was super spinny and I almost felt like I was getting the flu or something.
Tonight I'm going to do some pilates but I'm not going to worry about any cardio for a while at least.

I'm pretty proud of my results so far especially since I know I'm having so much success with it because I've followed the diet as well as stayed active.
I've still not had any soda, only water with a little coffee here and there and an energy drink today.
I've also completely eliminated potatoes and bread from my diet which I know has supercharged everything.

I'd like to add that I'm still not having any negative side effects.
No more stomach issues whatsoever, I guess that was just temporary thank God, and the energy has even wore off now so I'm sleeping just fine.
My focus is still up so that I can get all my house work done really well and not get so scatter brained,
and my aggression level is still at its absolute lowest in years, which is AWESOME!

I've been wearing my Danskin waist trimmer while I'm cleaning since I generally sweat a good bit when I start out early in the day. They say the sweat means your metabolism is speeding up, so I figured it would be a great time to use the band since it works with your sweat to tighten up your stomach!
I'm hoping this helps bring some of my c-section "apron" in so I don't have such a hard time when I start focusing on ab work.
If you haven't ever seen one of them, here it is:
I ordered mine off of Amazon a few months ago and have seen pretty good results with it so far.
Even Chris notices that my stomach is tighter when I've worn it, so I know its definitely working!

Anyway, here's my before and after, followed by my first week weigh in!

So here's the before at 152 and the after at 138 (this weeks weight!)

Beginning weight: 152  Current weight:  138
Total loss after one week: 14 lbs

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 6- Cardio added!

So it goes without saying that you're going to get freaking awesome results if you combine exercise and diet together. I hate when people diet and take diet supplements but won't put in the physical work that it takes to get fit.

I don't like to slack on working out, especially not when I'm dieting very strictly.
I did however want to give my body a chance to get used to the Phentermine before I threw myself back into the routine I've been doing for the past few months (the Tracy Anderson Method for anyone who is curious or didn't know!).
I was afraid that once I got to moving a lot with the Phen I might have some negative effects and even possibly do harm to myself, especially since I don't take ANY type of medication normally.
I truly intended to at least take a one month break to adjust, and for the most part I still intend to stick to that. But I do feel like I'm doing well enough on it to add in just a little cardio anyway.

Cardio is kind of my tough spot when it comes to working out.
Its not that its really hard to me or anything, I just don't feel the strong effects that I get with strength training and toning routines. Like, my legs and butt my hurt a little the next day, but that is usually as far as it goes, whereas with the Tracy Anderson stuff I pretty much stay sore every day of the week and I feel like that confirms I'm getting results lol.
But I'm going to work really hard on doing some intense cardio, seriously! Its so good for the heart and it just burns right through those calories and melts away the pounds!
So tonight I did dance cardio!
I actually just did several run throughs of the Gaiam Dance Cardio routine on Hulu.
I got a paid subscription for Christmas so I think I'll take advantage of all the different workout videos they have available so I don't get bored so easily!

I loaded up my Drake playlist on Spotify and muted the cardio video so I could just get into it on my own, with my own music to motivate me.
I started at "Proud of You" and I can say I'm pretty proud of MYSELF for going through the entire album until I heard it for the second time! 

I wanted to stop so many times!
I'm not going to lie, the Phen had my heart going WAY faster than usual.
I also got hot extremely quick.
I've been sweating a lot without even getting up so you can just imagine how it was during that fast paced routine. 
But boy did that sweat feel good, seriously! I just completely zoned out and went with it. I went through 2 liters of water just during the workout! 
When I finally stopped I didn't have time to sit and rest because the baby had woken up about 10 mins before I finished and had started getting irritated waiting on me to come pick him up from the crib (I could see him so I knew he was fine by himself for a few!).
I did however sit and sweat for 15 minutes lol.
My face was as red as I have ever seen it, and as I sit here writing 30 mins later I'm still waiting for my heart to slow down a bit and my breathing to get back to normal.
But all in all I powered through the workout a LOT better than I normally would have without the Phen. The energy was awesome.
I will note that as soon as I finished I felt a little nauseous like maybe I needed to eat so I think I'm going to have to hurry and eat dinner!

I won't get back on the scale until tomorrow but here's some photos anyway as I'm about to mark my first full week on Phentermine!

I've come a long way since September, for sure.
I'll dig up a "before" at some point.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Its gross, you don't want to hear it....

but if you're a female taking Phentermine you more than likely know exactly what I'm talking about!

Yep, still constipated. I'm not very "regular" even without phen, but its not much of an issue usually. Not to mention, my stomach hurts this time around. I have those horrible PMS like cramps that won't let up. I also look pregnant, like at least 5 months ha. I'm not bloated anywhere else thankfully since I've been drinking over half my weight in water but I have a little HARD round belly. I would be in a bit of a panic had I not heard from so many that its normal. I'm really hoping the Align kicks in soon though, as well as all the fiber I've been eating. If not, its on to the supplements I suppose.

I'm going to put my scale in the closet today  & keep it there until Wednesday so I can resist the temptation of stepping on it several times a day. I have noticed LOTS of "bouncing around" during the day. I guess that has a lot to do with the Phen diet and the water I'm drinking. So when I do weigh myself I'm going to make sure I never report it here unless its the AM weight because I've always been told that what you weigh first thing in the morning is your true weight without all the yucky junk you carry around in your body every day. It'll be pretty cool to see the difference in the number once I can get back to a "regular disposing" routine lol.

With that said, here's the morning's weight and measurements as well....

Beginning weight: 152    Current weight: 140
Hips: 41 in.
Bust: 36.5 in.
Waist: 31.5 in.
Thighs: 25.2 in.

Now there are my  "to-date" measurements, but I'm not going to be obsessive about checking those.
Like I said, my measurements aren't a big deal for me. I don't mind my huge hips and my waist is pretty small. I would LOVE for my chest to shrink some but its okay if it doesn't.
Now my thighs, that's kind of a different story.
I MIGHT measure those a lot haha. I hate them! I've always had a nice little thigh gap and now they're just completely smooshed together all the time! Hate that! They're the reason (along with my now ROUND butt) that my jeans don't fit!!!
So my thighs and my soft 3x c-section belly are my focal points and thats what I'll be watching the most.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Phentermine-Day 4-Photo Update

Today starts day 4 on the Phentermine.
I'll try to get measurements at some point this week but I'm not as interested in trimming down my waist or hips as I am just seeing the numbers on the scale go down a bit.

I was pretty happy to find out that my efforts yesterday to super boost my weight loss really had an effect on the number I woke up to this morning.
After this week I won't be doing a daily weight check, but I know the first week results in a pretty rapid decline of water weight and whatnot so I wanted to give everyone some sort of idea of what they could expect to lose the first week assuming that they FOLLOW THE DOCTOR'S INSTRUCTIONS.
I won't lie, it really bothers me when people just blow off what they're told to do and then get disappointed when the meds don't work.
The Phen might work miracles when paired with some light exercise and a healthy diet, but its not a miracle pill. It does not give it's users the ability to eat anything they want and sit on their butt all day and night.

So anyway, yesterday I decided I would force myself to eat a few times since I'm supposed to be eating 6 small meals a day. 
I've done just as the doctor told me and cut out ALL soda, decreased my coffee intake to just 2 cups a day, no (or light) carbs, and lots of lean meat and veggies.

When I woke up at 8 am and took my Phentermine, I chugged a huge Voss water with it. 
28.7 ozs to be exact.
I also took some potassium supplements since I have low potassium as it is and it tends to decline when dieting.
Then I grilled some chicken and steamed some broccoli to get me through the day. I just went ahead and made it and put it all in a tupperware dish so I could close it up and warm it up when I wanted some.
This DEFINITELY helps to keep yourself from falling into the "its easier to just grab something out of the freezer and microwave it" trap.
By the time I got my protein and veggies for the day finished up and did the laundry it was nearly lunchtime and I realized I forgot all about breakfast.
So I went ahead and had the chicken and broccoli and in between that chugged 2 more 28.7 oz  bottles of water.
To be honest I could only handle about one and a half 4 inch grilled chicken strips. 
But I'm just glad I ate, and had all the water.

I snacked on the chicken a couple more times throughout the day 
and then I threw some (99% lean) ground turkey in the crockpot along with some tomatoes,
 onions, black beans (for added protein), jalapenos, some chile peppers, and chili powder.
I ate a small bowl of the ground turkey and tomatoes with some chili pepper  as seasoning and drank 2 more 28.7 oz bottles of water.

I didn't get a lot of  exercise in because my energy was actually lacking pretty bad yesterday.
I went for a 30 minute walk with the kids and chased them around the playground for another half an hour so I got about an hour of steady cardio.

Side effects:
+Can't STOP reading! I don't know if this is really a problem but seriously its increased my ability to focus so much that I read EVERY thing. Labels, books, articles, everything! I get lost in a time warp and realize I've been sitting and reading for 4 hours instead of 15 mins!

+ Constipation! TMI I know, but when it comes to losing weight, not being regular can slow down your progress majorly! Going on nearly a week of "nothing" I finally gave in and took some Align Digestive Care in hopes that it would get things moving at some point so I wouldn't end up bloated more and stalling out. I've taken two doses and there's been no change, but I thought I'd give it a shot before moving on to Milk of Magnesia.

+Crazy dreams, can't stay asleep. Not too big of a deal really. Once I finally make myself fall asleep (usually after 3 hours of trying to force it!) I sleep for a few minutes and have a short snippet of a dream that freaks me out and wakes me up, and then I can't fall back asleep.

And that would be it!
No big complaints!

Now for the weigh in and pics.....

Start weight: 152    Current weight: 141
So for the mathematically challenged, thats 11 pounds in just 4 days!