Friday, June 15, 2012

Don't be upset by the results you didnt' get...

Don't be upset by the results you didnt' get...

Know what I hate about weight loss blogs? When the weight is lost, the blog entries stop!

Guess who is very guilty of this?
::stand up, slowly raise hand while looking down:: This is bad on so many levels. Probably the major reason this is so bad is for the followers. Now number wise I don't have a shit ton of followers. Thats okay! Blogger isn't really the place to go for that... if I wanted a million followers I would have made my tumblr a fitspo blog and went from there. I do however have a lot of girls who depend on our heart-to-hearts via Facebook to get them through the tough stuff in weight loss. And God knows there are SO many ups and downs! Especially for moms! When I reached my weight loss goal, I also found myself in a crappy situation: we needed some extra income around the house so I took my stay-at-home-mom butt to work (at a gym albeit!). My schedule bounced around... a lot! So I went from being a mom with 3 kids who I stayed at home with all day, to being a mom of 3 who had to keep  those kids on their schedule while maintaining a new work schedule that changed all the time from 9 am-12 pm and going back at 6 pm-9pm! So I wasn't able to do anything except focus on work and keeping everything up with my kids. Thankfully we stuck to our schedule and things are still going great, BUT my social "media" life disappeared completely. My poor blog was thrown under a huge pile of things I no longer had time to do. My weight stayed the same, thank God, but I actually STOPPED working out (and remember, I worked at a full service gym!) because I didn't have the time or energy and wasn't eating enough to give myself that energy. So that toned body I worked so hard to get just turned into a freaking mushy mess. All my messages just started piling up too, I couldn't even make time to reply to every one! I felt horrible!

Now here I am again, back to being a stay-at-home mom, though I am working from home now, and I want to get back to what I feel like I was meant to do. I get so many messages with questions about every thing... health and fitness stuff... Adipex/Phentermine advice... parenting questions.... schedules... couponing... you name it, I get asked it. I don't know why people come to me with stuff like that, but they do and I LOVE it. I've always loved the advice columns in newspapers and magazines and of course I have my big Carrie Bradshaw newspaper column dreams so I thrive off that!

So for all of the people who depended on me to help them with their weight loss, who I unintentionally let down... I'm back! I promise! And I won't let you down again! AND I haven't forgot about you! I've been checking your progress, creepily lurking through your blogs and facebook pages and checking you out! Even if I haven't commented, I've seen it, and I'm proud!

Now for a shameful confession:
I'm not in great shape at the moment!

Numerically my weight hasn't changed but I know my body fat percentage has went up! I slipped up and in my slump and lack of time I found quick fixes in soda and way more meat that I'm comfortable admitting I've eaten! My jeans are still the same size (3's, which I'm STILL proud of!) but they're fitting a lot tighter in my thighs now :( My water weight is more evident than anything to me because I've introduced soda back in my life and its gotta go!
((I need those chunky thighs back in shape!!!))

So for all my girls who read this and keep up with me on FB-Don't let me slip! REMIND ME TO BLOG IF YOU SEE THE ENTRIES FADING OUT! It motivates me- you guys push me! I don't lie on here: if I say I work out so many minutes and eat whatever, then thats what I'm doing!

I got the Brazil Butt Lift dvds today and the first work out kicked my ass. I can hardly move my legs. I'm watching that documentary Forks over Knives and its reminding me how much I need veggies in my life so I'm going here in a few hours to pick up a ton of healthy foods to get me back on track. I big good bye to soda again last night and thankfully that and bread should be my only major vices (I can always cut most of my meat out, I don't care for it too much). I'm not much on sugar anymore so thats no big deal at all. I need my energy back! I want to do this! And I need you guys, so don't let me down!

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